Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jasmine's family

I know you don't remember me but ODTR placed me into a wonderful home! Check it out! :)

From Jasmine's new mommy!  
"Well, Jasmine (now known as Ziva) is doing really well with us.  She was happy the whole ride home and loved meeting some of our family members yesterday evening.  When we got home she got to meet her big sister Zoe (we liked Zoe & Ziva as the names for our two girls).  They are getting along so well.  Zoe & Ziva played all yesterday evening, until they final got tuckered out.  Today they played and wrestled too. Zoe is being such a good big sister, showing Ziva the ropes around the house.  Ziva likes to follow Zoe around some of the time.  At other times she likes to get Zoe to chase her.  She is having a blast thus far.  Potty training has been going well so far as well, which was unexpected since it is cold and snowy out.  Ziva went potty outside 5 times today already, which means we got to have a lot of celebrations!!  Ziva really seems to like the snow, which I was not sure if she would or not, her and Zoe ran around the back yard for awhile today, jumping through the big piles of snow.  Zive is a great puppy and we are so blessed to have found your rescue with her for adoption. Thanks you all for making the adoption process so quick and also so friendly!  Merry Christmas to all of you and please enjoy the two pictures attached of Zoe & Ziva together. 
God Bless.
Gretchen & Mike Krivak (Zoe & Ziva too!!)"

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