Friday, December 3, 2010

Carlye Has A New Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Great Dane/ Labrador Retriever
Area: Indiana
Gender: Female
Age: 9 mths
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Adoption home

Dear Friends,

Hi name is Carley. Before this I was in a bad home. They weren't very nice to me, and in fact they were very mean! I was always hungry and they didn't treat me well. I'm still not in the safe zone yet. I need a home. I'm very gentle and sweet, and am really good about  pottying out doors. I'm not very big, and as you can see I'm still really skinny and very shy. I'm doing better though, now that I'm not always hungry. My wish this year is to have a Christmas I'll never forget. Something I've never had. Please, I have a heart that can't even hold all the love it contains! Give me a home this year, that's all I really want.

I don't want to go through life not know what a true family feels like. Give me a Christmas to remember.

Can you find me a home?

Love always,

Good news for Carlye, she has found a family who has taken her in and made her a member! CONGRATULATIONS!
When I get more info on her adoption I'll make sure to update! 

From Carley's new mommy!
"Hello!  :)

We got home after three hours of driving, while Carley and Nero slept the whole way! Carley started in the front seat with me, then moved to the back seat to sleep next to Nero (I have no idea how they both fit back there). :) We got home and surprisingly enough they still had energy! They romped around on the floor and found out their new favorite game is tug-of-war. I find it interesting to watch, because I think Nero knows that Carley is a puppy. He is very gentle with her, and when they play tug-of-war, he holds the toy right in front of her in the beginning to allow her to grab it first. He is also very submissive to her, which makes me feel much more comfortable because he is so large, though I'm sure she is going to catch up quickly. We plan on taking her to our vet a week from today to introduce her to him. His name is Dr. David Lee. If you ever want to call and check up on how she is doing you are more than welcome to call he or I. They will be going to the vet every six months, unless something happens and they need to go for another reason. 

I forgot to ask what kind of food she was eating, but we feed Nero Eukanuba, so we bought some Eukanuba puppy food and put her on that. She seems to be doing fine on it, she hasn't gotten sick or anything. She hasn't gone potty in the house once!  :) I think the fact that Nero goes outside when he needs to helps, because she follows him and does everything he does. SHE EVEN SITS NOW! :D I'm not sure if she did that before, but we were telling Nero to sit for a treat, and she sat too!!!! I was so excited I picked her up and her little bat ears stood straight up! Today I plan to take them on their first walk together. I honestly think this was truly meant to be, because they are inseparable. I put her in Nero's cage to sleep and Nero didn't get angry or anything, he just laid down in front of it and stared in the door. We couldn't figure out what he was doing. When she fell asleep he got up and walked over to his chair and went to sleep. I think he was watching over her until she went to sleep. :) All of this is so exciting! Yesterday at work it was all I could talk about. In fact, a co-worker recently had a baby and it was funny because he was telling me about his new baby and I was telling him about mine.  ;) Anyway, sorry to ramble. I will continue to send emails to this address as well as facebook to keep everyone updated. We love Carley so so much and we are so happy she is part of our family! We are glad we can give her a great life, just like Nero!"

Carlye Christmas Morning!

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