Sunday, December 19, 2010

Admiral and Bruno's Family

Hey everyone I know you don't remember us from this site but we were placed by ODTR and couldn't be more happy! This is our first 24 hour update on how were doing and some pictures of us before we moved :)


They did well last night.  They decided they wanted to sleep with our boys last night, well till about  Then they had to go potty and let us know by barking! We took them out and the ended up sleeping with us, until we all got up.
I have not seen them mark anything here yet...but I took Admiral to my sisters today and he did pee on her laundry basket! LOL  I gave him a stern NO, but kinda had to laugh.
Your right they don't have the best manners and haven't been taught much.  I think your right about who ever had them before, they didn't get much attention and wernt taught much of anything.  I honestly dont even think they know their names.  Well at least they don't come to them. (thinking about renaming admiral to Bo..not real fond of his name and since he doesn't seem to know it don't think it would hurt).
They are SWEET boys and do love attention, Bruno is still trying to figure out the whole cat situation.  He gets real fixated on them, like he just doesn't know what they are. They are both getting along fine with the other dogs, which I'm very happy with. 
I've already had people on my holiday acres facebook page wanting them! They are use to me bringing in animals to re home.  I had to explaine these are OUR dogs! lol  But I did refer them to the link to your dogs on
You should really consider starting a Fan page on FB for your rescue, it would give you huge exposure.  I've seen a lot of other rescues on FB..people are able to post and cross post all your dogs, might help find them good homes faster.  Plus you can post all your updates and news letters on it as well...and doesn't hurt and of  course it's free! lol"

Thanks Odtr! 

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