Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winston's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Full Blooded Mini Schnauzer
Area: Indiana Shelter
Gender: Male
Age: Young
Size: Small
Status: In need of an Foster home

Dear friends,

My name is Winston. You could call me a ladies man. When I walk on my leash all the head's turn. I'm big, bad and tough! No one can stand in my way, except the big dogs they kinda make me feel uneasy. Everyone one say's I'm just a sweet heart, but I know the truth. I'm in this place called a "shelter", but I need help getting out of this joint. Someone like me just doesn't belong here. I can't believe I even ended up here, I'm a bit bewildered.  I'm house broken, and can do some awesome tricks, like sit. I'm just an all around awesome dog who want's to go home. Come take me home please... pretty please... with cherries on top! I know I say I'm tough but I will melt your heart and make you fall in love with me the moment you see my personality!

Please take me home. I don't belong in a shelter!

Can you find me a home?

Stay cool,

Rudy's Family

Hey everybody, remember me?

Breed: Jack Russel Terrier Imix
Area: Indiana
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Size: Small
Status: In need of a Foster/Adoptive home

Dear Friends,

My name is Rudy! I'm a Jack Russel Mix and love having fun and friends. I can just go all day play, play, play. I sure do love my snuggle time though. I'm up to date on shots, microchipped and spayed. I'm also housetrained so no worries about me, I'll go outside. My family is moving away and they have decided that  I can't go. They even said they are taking me back to where they got me. They kill fun dogs like me there! Please don't make me go back! All you need to worry about is what time are you picking me up. I need a home super fast. Maybe before Christmas time? Why get a full breed dog when I'm so willing and so good! I hope you have a great holiday and find a box big enough for me to fit into! 

I promise I can make you love me more then you have ever dreamed! I would be so careful!

Can you find me a home?

Don't forget the air holes!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jasmine's family

I know you don't remember me but ODTR placed me into a wonderful home! Check it out! :)

From Jasmine's new mommy!  
"Well, Jasmine (now known as Ziva) is doing really well with us.  She was happy the whole ride home and loved meeting some of our family members yesterday evening.  When we got home she got to meet her big sister Zoe (we liked Zoe & Ziva as the names for our two girls).  They are getting along so well.  Zoe & Ziva played all yesterday evening, until they final got tuckered out.  Today they played and wrestled too. Zoe is being such a good big sister, showing Ziva the ropes around the house.  Ziva likes to follow Zoe around some of the time.  At other times she likes to get Zoe to chase her.  She is having a blast thus far.  Potty training has been going well so far as well, which was unexpected since it is cold and snowy out.  Ziva went potty outside 5 times today already, which means we got to have a lot of celebrations!!  Ziva really seems to like the snow, which I was not sure if she would or not, her and Zoe ran around the back yard for awhile today, jumping through the big piles of snow.  Zive is a great puppy and we are so blessed to have found your rescue with her for adoption. Thanks you all for making the adoption process so quick and also so friendly!  Merry Christmas to all of you and please enjoy the two pictures attached of Zoe & Ziva together. 
God Bless.
Gretchen & Mike Krivak (Zoe & Ziva too!!)"

Admiral and Bruno's Family

Hey everyone I know you don't remember us from this site but we were placed by ODTR and couldn't be more happy! This is our first 24 hour update on how were doing and some pictures of us before we moved :)


They did well last night.  They decided they wanted to sleep with our boys last night, well till about  Then they had to go potty and let us know by barking! We took them out and the ended up sleeping with us, until we all got up.
I have not seen them mark anything here yet...but I took Admiral to my sisters today and he did pee on her laundry basket! LOL  I gave him a stern NO, but kinda had to laugh.
Your right they don't have the best manners and haven't been taught much.  I think your right about who ever had them before, they didn't get much attention and wernt taught much of anything.  I honestly dont even think they know their names.  Well at least they don't come to them. (thinking about renaming admiral to Bo..not real fond of his name and since he doesn't seem to know it don't think it would hurt).
They are SWEET boys and do love attention, Bruno is still trying to figure out the whole cat situation.  He gets real fixated on them, like he just doesn't know what they are. They are both getting along fine with the other dogs, which I'm very happy with. 
I've already had people on my holiday acres facebook page wanting them! They are use to me bringing in animals to re home.  I had to explaine these are OUR dogs! lol  But I did refer them to the link to your dogs on
You should really consider starting a Fan page on FB for your rescue, it would give you huge exposure.  I've seen a lot of other rescues on FB..people are able to post and cross post all your dogs, might help find them good homes faster.  Plus you can post all your updates and news letters on it as well...and doesn't hurt and of  course it's free! lol"

Thanks Odtr! 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Daisy's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: White Pit-bull mix
Area: Warsaw IN
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Months
Size: Medium
Status: In need of a Adoption home

Dear friends,

One day my brother and I were strolling along the rail road crossing, when we found these hunters. There was a train coming so they whisked us away, and drove us safely to their own home. My brother was lucky enough to find a home so fast, but I'm still searching. They told me they have to many furry friends already so they can't keep me. This is my way of asking for help. I need a home. Even something temporary would be nice till I can find something permanent. I'm only six months old and am too young to go to a kill shelter. I haven't even began to live life yet. I'm a sweet, gentle gal and I would like to be your best pal!

Please, I want to call a home my own. I want a second chance at life.

Can you find me a home?

Your friend,

Oscar's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Full Blooded Dachshund
Area: Indiana
Gender: Male
Age: 2 yrs
Size: Small
Status: In need of a Foster/Adoptive home

Dear friends,

My name is Oscar. I'm super happy  to meet you. The one thing that bothers me is my owners pups... I mean children! They just put me in a bad mood. Other then that I'm very happy! When you ask me to "Go poo" I go and do the doo. Don't worry though, I'll let you know when I gotta take a poo! I also like other dogs, and those super furry thing's with long tails. I think there called kitties. When I get taken home to my new home I get to take my favorite sleep spot, my crate! I'm just so super excited for you to take me home! I can hardly contain my excitement!

 I would be a amazing stocking stuffer!... If you have a rather large stocking!

Can you find me a home please?


Mogli and Penny's family

Hey everyone remember us?


Mogli and Penny
Breed: Labrador/Husky Mix
Area: Indiana
Gender: Male and Female
Age: 11 weeks
Size: Medium
Status: In need of a Foster/Adoptive home

Dear friends of ours,

Mogli: My name is Mogli
Penny: And my name is Penny!
Mogli: We haven't been here long have we Penny?
Penny: Nope were still little balls of energy, but so into having tons of fun!
Mogli: We want a home for Christmas. 
Penny: Any home would work!
Mogli: What happened to your eye Penny?
Penny: I was born this way! It doesn't really work but I wouldn't know it if you didn't keep asking me what happened!
Mogli: Oh well, you're still great. You so much fun!
Penny: Awe, well thanks bro!
Mogli: Have we mentioned our musical talent friends? We have great voices. We would be a great duo! Or we can hit solo too. A 1 and a 2.. 

Penny and Mogli: Deck the halls with Mogli and Penny, fa-la-la-la-la... la... LAAAAAA!

Can you find us a home?

The musical duo,
Penny and Mogli

Hey everyone, remember me?


Breed: German Shepard mix
Area: Indiana high kill shelter
Gender: Male
Age: 1yr
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Foster/Adoptive home

Dear Friends,

My name is David. I haven't had much luck in my life, I mean look at me! I'm only one year old and have already landed in a high kill shelter. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY DO IN HERE!? All I know is I make a friend and then he's gone, and I never see him again. I mean I hope for the best but they don't call it a "high kill" shelter for nothing. I didn't end up here because I'm mean, or aggressive. I'm actually very kind hearted and a gentle sweet boy. Just no luck. Anyway that is why I am writing to you. You can be my one chance at luck in this world.  I see all these sweet people across the fence walking out of here with their newly adopted dog. I can't help but think "when will it be my turn"? I know my forever home is out there. These people at the shelter like me. I know it. They treat me so nice and want the best for me. 

Please help me. You're like my winning lottery ticket! I will finally get the right ticket out of here!

Your my lucky friend,

David's new mommy!
"We are planning on getting Tucker (David) neutered and microchipped very soon.  I have always known how important spaying and neutering is.  This will be my 4th rescue/foster in the past 8 years. (very exciting!) Brian and I are very excited and are so happy to have had the opportunity to save such a precious boy in our home and in our lives.  Thanks again for your assistance.  Both of us will keep you updated. 
Again, thank you for being the voice of these precious animals that truely need our help."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Diamond's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier Mix
Area: Indiana
Gender: Female
Age: Young
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Foster/Adoption home

Dear Friends,

My name is Diamond. I'm a big girl, but you wouldn't be able to tell by the way I can cuddle. I'm just a young gal wanting some place to call home. I love to take walks and am really good on a leash. I'm good with kids and like to be around any kind of company. My hobbies include being a couch potato and playing outside. I'm really good about going out to potty on time and also I'm up to date on shots and am spayed. So why am I in this position? I don't know. But I sure would like your help out of it!

I just want a family. Can I come home now?

Can you find me a home?

Meet you on the couch,

Barney's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Brittany/Beagle
Area: Indiana
Gender: Male
Age: Young
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Adoption home

Dear Friends,

My name is Barney. I have been known to touch many hearts, but I'm still in a Indiana high kill animal shelter. I'm smart and have a love of life. I would really like to be able to live my life, and to live a long full life. It hurt's to be rejected and look through the kennel at people walking by knowing today isn't the day. All I want is big yard to go out and play in. I want to play fetch, and go on walks and listen to the sound of my owners breathing at night while I fall asleep protecting them. Is that so much to ask for? I'm a good boy and I'm potty trained. Tennis balls, bones and frisbee's are my favorite!

Please let me live my life to the fullest. I still have so much to live for.

Can you find me a home?

Meet you on the other side,

Betsy's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Full Blooded Chocolate Lab Retriever
Area: Indiana Home
Gender: Female
Age: 10 yrs
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Adoptive home

Dear Friends,

My name is Besty. I'm a good dog with good manners. So why am I not with my family anymore? That's because my owner's kid has this thing called allergies. He can't go near me without making this huge loud sound. I think it's called a sneeze. I have never lived outdoors, and sure am glad because it looks really cold outside. With all that white stuff? Brrr. My favorite thing is to just find a warm spot, and curl up on the floor and take a big nap. I currently live all by myself and it's not fun. I' looking for a new family. I would be a great dog for you! The great thing about me is I'm past the puppy stage. I'm not hyper, I like laying around and I'm up to date on shots and am neutered. I just want some company. I'm not asking for much.

Please make me your friend! We can be movie buddies and everything!

Can you find me a home?

Can't wait to meet you,

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jacob's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?


 Breed: Australia Shepard/Shih Tzu
Area: Warsaw, IN
Gender: Male
Age: 8 wks
Size: Small
Status: In need of a Adoption home

Dear friends,

My name is Jacob. I'm a 8 week old puppy, and a bit round in the belly. At the moment, I'm with a great foster family who has two dogs of their own. Even though I love playing with them, I'm ready for my own individual attention. My permanent home. I love to play, snuggle and sleep a lot. So far I'm really good about going potty outdoors, but I still need to go outdoors often. I won't get much bigger then 20 pounds.

Please come take me home and play with me! I'll be really good!

Can you find me a home?

Your pal,
Congratulations Jacob on finding a new family to love and adore you! You were one of the cutest puppies I've ever saw and so sweet. You will be missed by ODTR, and never forgotten.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Toby's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Full Blooded Mini Schnauzer
Area: Indiana
Gender: Male
Age: 10 yrs
Size: Small
Status: In need of a Adoptive home

Dear Friends,

My name is Toby. I'm in need of a new home. For the last ten year's I've had a very good home, but now they don't want me. I haven't done anything wrong they just don't have time. I don't bark, I don't potty on the floor, I can even sit when told to! I don't understand how this could of happened to me. I've dedicated my life and soul to this family and have always been very loyal. Please take me home. I don't want to be alone this Christmas, or be with people who don't want me around. I feel rejected and lost. Do you have it in your heart to come get me and give me a new home? I would be forever grateful.  

I don't want this to be my first Christmas alone.

Can you find me a home?

Your loyal companion,

My family has actually decided to keep me! I'm so happy! Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, wishes really do come true!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Carlye Has A New Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Great Dane/ Labrador Retriever
Area: Indiana
Gender: Female
Age: 9 mths
Size: Large
Status: In need of a Adoption home

Dear Friends,

Hi name is Carley. Before this I was in a bad home. They weren't very nice to me, and in fact they were very mean! I was always hungry and they didn't treat me well. I'm still not in the safe zone yet. I need a home. I'm very gentle and sweet, and am really good about  pottying out doors. I'm not very big, and as you can see I'm still really skinny and very shy. I'm doing better though, now that I'm not always hungry. My wish this year is to have a Christmas I'll never forget. Something I've never had. Please, I have a heart that can't even hold all the love it contains! Give me a home this year, that's all I really want.

I don't want to go through life not know what a true family feels like. Give me a Christmas to remember.

Can you find me a home?

Love always,

Good news for Carlye, she has found a family who has taken her in and made her a member! CONGRATULATIONS!
When I get more info on her adoption I'll make sure to update! 

From Carley's new mommy!
"Hello!  :)

We got home after three hours of driving, while Carley and Nero slept the whole way! Carley started in the front seat with me, then moved to the back seat to sleep next to Nero (I have no idea how they both fit back there). :) We got home and surprisingly enough they still had energy! They romped around on the floor and found out their new favorite game is tug-of-war. I find it interesting to watch, because I think Nero knows that Carley is a puppy. He is very gentle with her, and when they play tug-of-war, he holds the toy right in front of her in the beginning to allow her to grab it first. He is also very submissive to her, which makes me feel much more comfortable because he is so large, though I'm sure she is going to catch up quickly. We plan on taking her to our vet a week from today to introduce her to him. His name is Dr. David Lee. If you ever want to call and check up on how she is doing you are more than welcome to call he or I. They will be going to the vet every six months, unless something happens and they need to go for another reason. 

I forgot to ask what kind of food she was eating, but we feed Nero Eukanuba, so we bought some Eukanuba puppy food and put her on that. She seems to be doing fine on it, she hasn't gotten sick or anything. She hasn't gone potty in the house once!  :) I think the fact that Nero goes outside when he needs to helps, because she follows him and does everything he does. SHE EVEN SITS NOW! :D I'm not sure if she did that before, but we were telling Nero to sit for a treat, and she sat too!!!! I was so excited I picked her up and her little bat ears stood straight up! Today I plan to take them on their first walk together. I honestly think this was truly meant to be, because they are inseparable. I put her in Nero's cage to sleep and Nero didn't get angry or anything, he just laid down in front of it and stared in the door. We couldn't figure out what he was doing. When she fell asleep he got up and walked over to his chair and went to sleep. I think he was watching over her until she went to sleep. :) All of this is so exciting! Yesterday at work it was all I could talk about. In fact, a co-worker recently had a baby and it was funny because he was telling me about his new baby and I was telling him about mine.  ;) Anyway, sorry to ramble. I will continue to send emails to this address as well as facebook to keep everyone updated. We love Carley so so much and we are so happy she is part of our family! We are glad we can give her a great life, just like Nero!"

Carlye Christmas Morning!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bart Has A New Family

Bart was adopted today, look just how well he's fitting in! 
Congratulations Bart and family!

It didn't take Bart long to make a new friend in his new home!

Watch out Apollo! Bart's gonna getcha bone!

"Come on I know your hiding it SOMEWHERE! I'm gonna find it, oh boy I'm gonna find it!"

Sneak attack mode, ACTIVATED!"