Monday, January 24, 2011

Zeus's Family

Hey everyone, remember me?

Breed: Beagle
Area: Fort Wayne IN
Gender: Male
Age: 1-2 years
Size: Medium
Status: In need of an adoptive family

Dear friends,

My name is Zeus. I'm just a young guy, but I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you! I mean I could but I'm pretty quiet unless you get me all excited to play. I don't really get the big deal of barking at a dumb door. My past hasn't been the best, I was once living with people who were just mean to me. They would hurt me! Then I met this boy and he was really nice to me. I miss him but then he had to move and couldn't take me with him. Now I'm with this lady, but she lives in a apartment and I rather have a big yard to go sniff out and pee on everything I can. I'm completely house trained and working on being kennel trained but it's been tough. I also can do a couple of tricks such as sit. I really, truly am a great dog once you get to know me. I haven't been around long but I just seem to be moving all the time. I want to stay put for awhile and really get to know a great family. I miss you already.

Let's get to know each other and just stay for awhile. It might be kinda nice you know!

Can you find me a home?

I'll stick around with you,

(P.S. from editor. I have taken Zeus in to be my foster dog. My first foster dog and I couldn't be more happy with him. He truly is the most perfect dog. He never makes mistakes and he's really good at letting you know when he needs to get out. For such a troubled past I don't know how I got such a great dog. He will sleep all day in bed with you or take really long walks and just enjoy the weather. I would take him in for my own if I didn't live in a apartment. I want the best for this pup and I believe he deserves it. He's not like any other beagle I've ever met and he's getting neutered tomorrow! Yay for you Zeus! Any questions please feel free to ask.)

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